Strictly speaking, baptism is not part of the gospel. The good news, as the Bible defines it, is about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Baptism isn’t included in the gospel itself. However, it is inextricably linked to the gospel. In every case of conversion in the book of Acts, once a person came to faith they were immediately baptized.
Since baptism isn’t part of the gospel, if we teach that immersion is necessary to become a Christian, aren’t we guilty of the Galatian heresy? In Galatia, false teachers said the gospel wasn’t enough to save people. They taught that in addition to the gospel, those who wanted to be Christians had to also undergo circumcision and keep the law of Moses (Gal 5:2, Act 15:1, 5). Paul said this teaching perverts the gospel and is in fact no gospel at all (Gal 1:7 NIV).
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