
I Want My Sins To Be Erased!


If you have read the three prior articles (Separated from God, What is Sin?, Can I Escape Eternal Death?) then you understand that our wrongdoings (sins) prevent us from going to Heaven to live forever. You should also understand that God has made a way for your sins to be erased. In order for God to forgive your spiritual crimes and then completely forget that you ever committed them, you must become a follower of Jesus. If you become a follower of Jesus, He will save you from the penalty of your spiritual crimes.

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Posted by Eddie Lawrence in Basics

Can I Escape Eternal Death?


Since we are all spiritual criminals (sinners), is it possible to escape the death penalty that our offenses impose? Thankfully, the answer is yes. The Bible reveals that God is merciful and that He loves us. Because of this, He devised a way for us to not only escape the penalty of eternal death, but to also live forever with Him in Heaven.

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Posted by Eddie Lawrence in Basics

What is Sin?

Crime Scene

The word “sin” appears almost 400 times in the Bible. What is sin exactly? The simplest answer is that sin is disobedience to God. Sin can be thought of as committing a spiritual crime. Most of us do not think of ourselves as criminals. Our tendency is to think of crime in terms of murder, theft, drunk driving, etc. To be sure, these are examples of sin. However, even those of us who have not murdered or stolen are still spiritual criminals (sinners) even if our worst offense is telling a lie! The Bible teaches us that “all have sinned” (Romans 3:23).

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Posted by Eddie Lawrence in Basics

Separated from God

Expelled from Paradise

In the beginning when God created the first two people, Adam and Eve, they had intimate friendship and fellowship with God and lived in a paradise called the Garden of Eden. They were innocent and guilt free having never committed any kind of wrong doing and God actually walked among them. They were free of fear, blame, worry, regret and any other undesirable emotion that people experience now. We can only imagine what it might have been like to live in such a paradise. In this paradise, there was only one law; there was a certain tree whose fruit Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat. Unfortunately, Adam and Eve chose to eat the fruit of this tree violating God’s law. Breaking God’s law revealed that Adam and Eve had stopped trusting in God and everything was about to change.

The implication from the Bible is that had they remained obedient, they would have lived forever in the Garden of Eden enjoying God’s fellowship. God had warned them that the consequences of eating from this tree would be death. God gave them the ability to choose and they chose the path of disobedience. They were expelled from their garden paradise to prevent them from eating from the Tree of Life. Access to the fruit of this tree would have resulted in them living forever in a condition of broken trust and disobedience to God. Now they would grow old and die.

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Posted by Eddie Lawrence in Basics