1 Timothy

The Immortal Soul? Part 1

Immortal Soul

As Paul nears the end of 1 Timothy, he writes

He alone is immortal and dwells in unapproachable light. No one has ever seen Him, nor can anyone see Him. To Him be honor and eternal dominion! Amen. (1 Tim. 6:16 BEREAN)

Paul’s point in this passage is “not that God is the only immortal being but that he alone inherently possesses immortality.”1 We know there are other created beings who are immortal (angels, demons, etc.), but God gave them immortality. God, by His very nature, is immortal – no one granted it to Him. 

By extension, most people assume that humans are also immortal by nature. The immortality of the human soul is a widely held belief, often seen as self-evident. This assumption permeates both secular and religious worldviews. It is a foregone conclusion that the human soul is immortal, and this is rarely, if ever, questioned. Nevertheless, the Bible is clear that God did not create humans with immortal souls. 

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Posted by Eddie Lawrence in 1 Timothy, Immortality, Misconceptions

The Strange Story of Two Yahwehs

Two Yahwehs

In the first century AD, every Jewish child grew up knowing the Shema: “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is One” (Deut. 6:4 BEREAN). This verse stresses that there’s only one God. But strangely, in the New Testament, Jesus’s Jewish followers didn’t seem bothered by the idea of Jesus being God’s Son alongside God the Father. They remained unperturbed by the potential tension of acknowledging, for lack of a better phrase, “two Yahwehs.”

If we dig deeper, we’ll see that the real issue isn’t about two Gods. It’s about how we understand monotheism today versus what the Bible’s perspective on monotheism is. Subtle clues found in 1 Timothy 6:13-16 offer insight into the nuanced Jewish concept of monotheism.

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Posted by Eddie Lawrence in 1 Timothy, Theology

Chasing Money: Trading Peace for Pennies


Though centuries of wisdom scream against it, money remains our modern idol. In the time that has elapsed since Paul wrote to Timothy, people have written volumes about the dangers of the love of money. Adding my voice is probably redundant.

Nevertheless, I have recently been made aware of a money problem which festers in the Western church like cancer. This silent scourge distorts our message, undermines our credibility, and leaves us slaves to a master we may not be aware we are serving.

I’ll elaborate on this later, but first let’s heed the wisdom of the Scripture lest this insidious problem grows worse.

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Posted by Eddie Lawrence in 1 Timothy, Money

What Would You Sacrifice for the Kingdom?

Sacrifice for the Kingdom
Iron slave shackles. Photo: BiblePlaces.com

Becoming a Christian in the modern Western world typically doesn’t entail significant personal sacrifice. Sure, we must repent of our sins and make lifestyle changes to follow Jesus. Nevertheless, this usually doesn’t create personal hardship in occupations. This hasn’t always been the case. In the early days of the church, the demands of the gospel required many Christians to sacrifice personal freedoms. Following Jesus may sometimes demand a significant sacrifice for the kingdom.

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Posted by Eddie Lawrence in 1 Timothy

Use a Little Wine for Your Stomach’s Sake

Use a Little Wine for Your Stomach’s Sake

“No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments” (1 Tim. 5:23 ESV).

This parenthetical comment seems to interrupt the flow of the passage. Perhaps after Paul’s comment about Timothy keeping himself pure, he wanted to assure him that drinking wine appropriately would not negate his purity. His motive for abstaining may have been to set a good example in light of the drunkenness that seems to have been a part of the Ephesian problem.

“Paul tells Timothy to μηκέτι, “no longer,” drink only water. It is interesting to ask why Timothy was abstaining since it obviously was detrimental to his health. The answer lies in the Ephesian situation. Paul’s opponents were drunkards, and to disassociate himself totally from them and their teaching, Timothy apparently had chosen to abstain to the point that it was hurting him physically. His abstinence was an example of not exercising his Christian liberty when it might damage another’s faith (cf. 1 Cor 8:13; Rom 14:15, 21). While this was admirable, Paul did not want Timothy to think that the preceding statement was an endorsement of his decision to abstain, and in fact Paul thought that Timothy should change his habit and use a little wine because of his physical problems.”2 

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Posted by Eddie Lawrence in 1 Timothy