Does the New Testament require Gentiles to eat kosher? We have looked at a couple of passages ( here and here) which are frequently misconstrued to teach that God declared all foods clean. Upon closer examination we discover these two passages do not teach what many people think they teach. God did declare all foods clean, but not in Mark 7 or Acts 10.
Some people say that an event recorded in Acts 15 shows that the leaders of the early church required Gentiles to eat kosher. The Hebrew word “kosher” (כָּשֵׁר) means “to be suitable, fit to use.”1 Kosher is a word applied to food which is considered ritually clean and therefore fit to eat.
Did the conclusions of the Jerusalem Council of Acts 15 result in orders for Gentile Christians to eat only kosher foods? This is one possible interpretation, but it is not the only one. There is a lot going on in Acts 15, therefore, we need to understand the background.
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