
Am I a Legalist?

According to a recent study, almost half of people with high blood pressure don’t know they have it. The longer it goes on the more damage is done to your body. Legalism is kind of like this. One of the reasons that legalism is so dangerous is because people don’t realize they are a legalist. Are you a legalist? Take the 25 question quiz below and find out.

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Posted by Eddie Lawrence in Grace, Legalism

Grace vs. Legalism


It’s difficult for people to find biblically sound middle ground on some topics. If cheap grace is at one extreme, then legalism is at the other. Although legalism is not a word found in the Bible, the concept of legalism certainly is. Legalism is the heresy that motivated Paul’s letter to the disciples in Galatia. The dictionary defines legalism as:

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Posted by Eddie Lawrence in Grace, Legalism